Light Up Haiti

Help spread the gospel while caring for children in need!

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Our Mission Statement

"I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me." Acts 26:17-18

Our Goal

To fulfill The Great Commission by expanding our Children’s Home to love, disciple, house, train, and educate our girls while reaching out to the surrounding community offering discipleship and basic life support to address the needs of a struggling people.

Donate to La Limyè Ministries

Support our ministry with either a one-time or recurring donation! All donations, no matter the amount, go a long way toward helping us in our mission to reach the children and nation of Haiti. La Limyè ministries is a 501c3 non-profit which means your donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

For those you would like to mail checks or have checks sent, can
we add an address:

La Limyè Ministries


Collierville, TN 38027

La Limyè Ministries

General Donations

One Time Donation
Monthly Donation


About La Limyé Ministries in Haiti

Ellen Humerickhouse has dedicated her life to help the people of Haiti. After starting La Limyé Ministry, she has moved to Haiti where she is making a difference in the lives of many Haitian people. She has built an orphanage and community center in Arcahai, which is a town one hour from Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. This is her life mission and story. She needs your help to grow what God has started.

Facts About The Country of Haiti

malnutrition effects
40% of Haiti's

There over over
a million children in
Haiti that
need assistance

The average
household income is
less than $500 per

Haiti is one of the
most densely

About Our Founder

​Ellen Humerickhouse was 19 when she felt the call to follow GOD but wasn’t sure where HE wanted her to serve. After missionary trips to various inner cities in the US, as well as Uganda, Ethiopia, and Mexico she went on a trip to Arcahaie, Haiti which changed her life. Haiti is still struggling to recover after the 2010 earthquake which killed tens of thousands of people, and left many more homeless and destitute. However, Ellen's heart was touched by the fact that people who live in shacks, have little or no food and get their drinking water from a ditch still know how to share the love of Jesus Christ. There is so much need in Haiti which Ellen didn’t know what she, as one person, could do but she knew she had to do something. So, in the fall of 2013 after much prayer GOD provided a vision to Ellen. With that encouragement she bought some land in the village of Guiton to build a children's home. La Limyè (The Light) is a Christ-centered children's home for orphaned girls of any age. The goal is to take them out of the circle of poverty, feed and nurture them, teach them a trade that they can use to support themselves as adults, and show them the love of Christ. Ellen wants to make a difference in these girls’ lives so they can grow up happy, healthy, and strong in their Christian faith. Along with the children's home, La Limyè will be used as a community center for the local adults. The goal will be to offer basic literacy and life skills classes, give them access to clean water, and most importantly to teach them about the love of Christ. La Limyè is also providing vital jobs in a community desperately needing them. Some of the people on staff came to La Limyè in desperation, and are now able to care for their children and families at home.

Sponsor or Donate!

Even the smallest donation can make a huge impact on the families and kids of Haiti. Click for more information on how you can either sponsor an individual child, or support our ministry as whole. Thank you and God bless you!